On-chain Risk Records
Kagami an explicit on-chain record of an entity’s development and adherence to its own risk management policies. The record will list at a minimum the risk management policies that apply to a wallet and show the date/time of any changes made to the policy list. Activity logged may include:
Policy added
Policy removed
Policy parameter changed
Policy breached
Policy adherence (either an explicit record everytime a new transaction occurs or possibly a daily summary).
The exact nature of the record can be implemented in several ways and community feedback will determine which method is most suitable. Several options include:
NFT:- Audit log stored in IPFS and every change writes a new IPFS record that contains the same information as the old record with additional information. NFT metadata is changed to point to new URI.
Event Logs:- Kagami smart contract records all changes using ethereum (or polygon) event logs.
There is also the option to include a basic record on-chain and a more detailed record within Kagami (not on-chain) for viewing by a private group such as investors.
Most likely a Kagami dashboard style UI will be required to allow all on-chain records to be easily found/searched however all on-chain information could be found using web3js.
Last updated